Balkanfila Philatelic Exhibitions Website
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Philatelic Federations
Stamps • Medals • Prizes

Website Team:

Balkanfila Working Group Advisers: Mahmut Emirmahmutoglu, Anthony Virvilis, Igor Pirc,

Webmaster: Francisc Ambrus

Site map:                                                       Top menue on the pages

                                     FAQ - Site map guide to the pages.
                                     Contact - Addresses of the web site team, for questions and suggestions, answers will be
                                                      given as soon as possible.
                                     Terms - Disclaimers

                                                                    Left menue on the pages

                   MEMBERS - The countries members.
                                         Philatelic Federations - Presentation of philatelic Federations.
                                         Bureau - Bureau members and short curriculum vitae.
                   NEWSLETTERS - The older archived issues are at the bottom.
                   TIMETABLE - Forthcoming meetings and announcements.
                   MINUTE & REPORTS - Seminars, reports and older minutes.
                   HISTORY - Balkanfila exhibitions history.
                                         Exhibitions - Details of future shows.
                                         Regulations - The exhibition regulation.
                                         Editions - List of the Balkanfila editions.
                   LIBRARY - Books, catalogues, CD's and reviews
                                          Catalogues - Exhibitions catalogues and book reviews.
                                          Stamps • Medals • Prizes- Stamps, medals and prizes issued on the editions.
                   PROPOSAL F.B.P.F. - Proposals for Federation of Balkanic Philatelic Federations.
                                          Regulation - Discussion about rules and your point of view!
                                          Logo & flag - Proposals for logo and flag and your point of view!
                                          Location - Discussion and proposals for headquarters and your point of view!
                   TO SOLVE - Problems solved.
                                          Frames - Discussion about frames and your point of view!
                                          Essen summons - Summons and your point of view!
                   BALKANMAX - Balkanmax editions.
                   LINKS - Links and useful connections to other philatelic web pages.

Information to help you navigate the site: The site was constructed for a good visualization at a resolution of 1024*768 using CSS styles( at the browsers, Internet Explorer 6 or 7th you cannot see the all of the .png transparency). Some pages have more articles and using expand/collapse effects.